Using Psychodynamic understanding in Psychotherapy with Older People v. Paul Terry


  • Ref nr.
  • Sted
  • Dato
  • Tilmeldingsfrist
  • Max. deltagere
  • Pris ekskl. moms
  • 402132
  • Region Hovedstaden 
  • 24.10.2024 - 25.10.2024
  • 20.9.2024
  • 18
  • 2500 kr.
  • Tilmeld

Underviser, Paul Terry

Paul is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in private practice. During his career in public health, Paul worked in child-, adolescent-, adult mental health, forensic settings, and latterly in a specialist mental health service for older people. For many years, in tandem with clinical practice, he vas Lecturer in Counselling at Birkbeck College, University of London.

He has published extensively about using psychodynamic insights in clinical work, and in thinking about social and political issues.

The second edition of his book “Counselling and Psychotherapy with older People: A psychodynamic approach” was published in 2008 (Mac Millan), and “A Clinician`s Guide to Understanding and Using Psychoanalysis in Practice” (Routledge) was published in 2023.

Arrangements formål

The goal of the course is to give the members a theoretical base of central concepts in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, to bring the aspects into reflection and work through Paul sharing case studies of psychotherapy with older adults and bringing own clinical cases for supervision workshop.


Giving the members of the course both the theoretical psychodynamic approach and clinical reflections on own practice through teaching and supervision from a very experienced and gifted psychologist.


The teaching will alternate between lectures, getting case-study from the Pauls clinical work and having a workshop where the members can present their own therapies or supervision of another therapist. The course will be in english.

Temaer i arrangementet

Three Central Concepts in Paul´s approach to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy:
Projective Identification, Counter-transference and the Destructive Superego – in order to gain insight according to the relationship between the psychotherapist and the client. Also an understanding of mourning, losses and bereavement will be a part of the themes treated.


Psychologists working with older adults and psychologists with interest in this group.

Forberedelse og hjemmearbejde

Medbring gerne kliniske cases og dilemaer der er egnede til at arbejde med i grupper eller til supervision hos Paul.


Der er intet krav om læst litteratur, men underviserens to nævnte udgivelser kan anbefales.

Godkendt til

  • Den Gerontopsykologiske Specialistuddannelse Psykoterapeutiske metoder, specifikt rettet mod ældre klienter/grupper svarer til emneområde
  • Øvrige specialistuddannelser i voksenretning: 12 timer i det tværgående modul.

Praktiske informationer


Dansk Psykologforening, Stockholmsgade 27, 2100 København Ø

Tid og varighed

24. Oktober 2024: Kl. 10.00 – 17.30
25. oktober 2024 : Kl. 09.00 – 16.30

Til- og afmelding

Fredag den 20. september 2024
2.500 kr. for medlemmer af DP og Gerontopsykologisk Selskab
3.000 kr. for medlemmer af DP
For deltagere, der er psykologer men ikke medlem af DP, kan kontaktes for tilmelding.

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